Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Animation Principles Assignment 11

This assignment was a continuation of learning anticipation-reaction. I'm not happy with how this turned out and I'm still learning to tell at what point I need to stop perfecting a set of frames and just move on. Brian didn't provide as many inbetween frames on this action so it was a lot more trial and error to figure it out. It was easier for me to turn to pencil and paper to thumbnail some frames. Luckily he provides a Quicktime of all his exercises, so after messing with it on my own for a while, I can see where my shapes and timing are off.
Click here to view original animation.

UPDATE 8/10:
Well, I still couldn't let this assignment go yet. I examined Brian's example and the main problems I discovered were:
* the snapping action was too stiff, the 'wave' action was too weak
* the seaweed was straightening up too fast
* the reaction movement moved too far
* the end 'wiggle' lasted too long
I'm sure there are other problems too but these are the main one's I found.

(Click image above to view the updated animation)

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